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Latest News

Stock Fencing on East Ings - Winter 2021 / 2022


The Trust is currently untaking improvements to stock fencing on the Eastern portion of the Went Ings in order to reintroduce low-intensity cattle grazing as part of the management for biodiversity. We anticipate that this should be completed by Spring 2022 and will help manage the land in a way which maximises biodiversity, with a focus on both the specialist unimproved grassland botanical community and provides additional opportunities for birds using the ings. This should not affect public access except for a few days in early January, which we will provide further information about via social media.



Visitor Access and Accessibility


Some of The Trust’s sites are already accessible via the public rights of way network however we aim to improve upon this access to enable visitors to fully experience and appreciate the wildlife that inhabits the area. This project includes identifying suitable locations for a bird hide, viewing platform and seating. The Trust also hopes, in the future, to look at facilitating access to sites which do not currently encompass public rights of way.


Sykehouse Walks


The Trust is working with the local authority to identify a circular walk(s) around the claylands that will showcase the habitats it manages and the landscapes, heritage, recreational assets and visitor attractions the area has to offer. We will work to make the route as accessible as possible and once established, will promote this route.




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